Ginko Riky


Welcome to the webpage of Syrian Hamsters Riky!


Our breeder station Riky arose in 2005. The name is memento to our "big" hamster Riky, which opened us his hamster world.

On this site you can learn something about Syrian Hamsters, their history, breeding, care, illnesses, genetics and colouring.



Riky's Poem

Riky and Vločka

Riky was a hamster,

Riky and Christmas tree

who loved the world and life.
He was Golden Banded,
with big black eyes with drive.
He slept during day
and woke up in the night,


to look, eat and play

Riky with his son Darling Riky

and do all what he might.
Though his life was short,
didn't understand us,
he opened out his heart,
to show like hamster loves.


Riky on my shoulder :-)

Riky in train road

Riky is sleeping

Riky and kokosová kulička Christmas 2005

Riky si hoví